Snow Business
Following on from refrigerated snowmen and neon birthday wishes to the Lord, here is this year's Christmas window at the Savile Row store.
This fine Ockelbo snowmobile (or skidoo, if you prefer) was manufactured in the Swedish city of the same name sometime (we think it's quite Roger Moore seventies...) between 1962 and 1989. It came to us via the prop people Brandon Thatchers, who took delivery of it when it reached the end of its working life in Sweden. Ockelbo only make boats (very nice boats, at that) these days, so it's a bit of a collectors item.
Brandon Thatchers' non-disclosure agreements restrict us from saying too much about where you might have spotted this snowmobile before, but we understand that it can currently be seen in a certain fantasy drama series that is showing on BBC1 on Sunday evenings...