In the second of an occasional series (as they say), our own Liam Farren tells us about something he'd like to have on his wall at home...
The lesser-known photographer Bob Mazzer's 2014 book Underground showcases the incredible shots he took during his daily commute to and from his job as a porn cinema projectionist in King's Cross in the late '70s and '80s. His photographs are beautifully imperfect and raw, and they epitomise London and its vast array of subcultures and characters. One photo in particular has always been an object of my own desire. It shows a man attempting to open the doors of a tube carriage. And it is blurry and ominous. The man's hands are slim and elegant and reaching, and they seem to knot through each other. The photograph is at once haunting and intriguing. Who is he? Where is he going? Where has he come from? Only we can complete the story. One thing I do know is that I would love to have this photograph hanging on my wall at home!